2006-2011 北京师范大学生命科学学院课程与教学论(生物)专业博士
2011-2012 (美国)伊利诺伊理工大学(Illinois Institute of Technology)数学与科学教育系(Department of Mathematics and Science Education)博士后
2012至今 生命科学学院生物教育系
研究性论文(research article)
1. Wenyuan Yang, Sihang Chen, and Cheng Liu*. (2024). Guiding Students in Constructing and Revising Models Rationally. The American Biology Teacher, 86(3): 130-135. (*Corresponding Author)
2. Lederman J, Bartels S, Jimenez J, Lederman N, … Cheng Liu, … (2024). Completing the progression establishing an international baseline of primary, middle and secondary students’ views of scientific inquiry, International Journal of Science Education, 46(7), 715-731
3. Shuchen Guo, Cheng Liu & Enshan Liu. (2022). An exploration of multilevel effects of student- and school-factors on elementary students’ attitudes towards science, International Journal of Science Education, 44(15), 2330-2352.
4. Shuchen Guo, Enshan Liu & Cheng Liu. (2021). Development and validation of an instrument to assess Chinese upper-level elementary students’ attitudes towards science, International Journal of Science Education, 43(14), 2374-2401.
5. Nuo Li, Enshan Liu, Cheng Liu, & Shuchen Guo. (2021). Rethinking the Factor of Duration for Professional Development: A Workshop-Seminar-Demonstration Class Model for Science Teachers. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(12).
7. Lederman J, Lederman N, … Cheng Liu, … (2021). International collaborative follow-up investigation of graduating high school students' understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: is progress Being made? International Journal of Science Education, 43(7): 991-1016.
8. Wenyuan Yang, Enshan Liu, Xintao Li, and Cheng Liu*. (2019). Preparing a Concept-Based Lesson from a Design Perspective: Facilitating Students' Understanding through Metacognitive Strategies. The American Biology Teacher, 81(9): 610-617. (*Corresponding Author)
9. Wenyuan Yang, Cheng Liu, Enshan Liu. (2019). Content analysis of inquiry-based tasks in high school biology textbooks in Mainland China. International Journal of Science Education, 41(6): 827-845.
10. Lederman J, Lederman N, … Cheng Liu#, …(2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students' understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(4):486-515. (#Additional Author).
11. 刘晟, 杨文源, 刘恩山. (2019). 基于课程标准 考查核心素养——2019年高考理综全国卷生物学试题分析. 基础教育课程, (8): 22-28.
12. 刘晟, 杨文源, 刘恩山. (2019) 国际科学教育研究趋势:基于R的可视化分析. 外国中小学教育, (5): 26-34.
1. Cheng Liu, Wenyuan Yang, and Enshan Liu. (2022). Policy in K–12 Science Teacher Preparation: Uniformity and Diversity from International Perspectives. In Julie A. Luft and M. Gail Jones (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education (pp. 231-242). New York: Routledge.
2. Cheng Liu & Enshan Liu. (2017). An Overview of Professional Preparation for Pre-Service and In-Service Science Teachers. In Ling L. Liang, Xiufeng Liu, & Gavin W. Fulmer (Eds.), Chinese Science Education in the 21st Century: Policy, Practice, and Research (pp. 379-400). Dordrecht: Springer.
3. 刘晟. 中学生物学教育发展报告. 王挺(主编), 李秀菊 姚建欣(副主编). 中国科学教育发展报告(2023) (pp. 35-55). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2023.
4. (美)诺曼·莱德曼, (美)桑德拉·埃布尔(主编). 科学教育研究手册. 李秀菊, 刘晟, 姚建欣(主持翻译). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2021.
5. 刘晟, 杨文源. 中学生物学教育发展报告. 王挺(主编), 李秀菊(副主编). 中国科学教育发展报告(2021) (pp. 59-78). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2021.
6. 刘晟. “对学习科学缺乏足够的重视”:基于法国TIMSS科学测试的分析. 李秀菊, 杨文源(主编). TIMSS测评:国际青少年科学素质全景解读 (pp. 76-94). 北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2020.
7. 刘晟. 学生乐于参与的科学教育:基于美国TIMSS科学测试的分析. 李秀菊, 杨文源(主编). TIMSS测评:国际青少年科学素质全景解读 (pp. 156-180). 北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2020.
8. 刘晟, 杨文源. 中学生物学教育发展报告. 王挺(主编), 李秀菊(副主编). 中国科学教育发展报告(2019) (pp. 50-76). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2019.