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牛翠娟   (1965年6月)
博士 教授

1985年7月本科毕业于中国海洋大学水产系,学士学位;其后由教育部派遣去日本留学,  1992年3月于日本国北海道大学水产学部研究生毕业,获水产学博士学位;1992年7月-1994年7月在北京师范大学生物系做博士后;之后留在北师大生命科学学院工作,1994年9月起任副教授,2000年9月起任教授,2001年起任博士生导师。2004-2005在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学动物学系做访问学者,201407-201501在美国密歇根大学做高级研修学者。承担本科生基础生态学、研究生水生生物学、动物生理生态学教学工作。动物学会理事;两栖爬行动物学分会理事;动物生理生态学二分会常务理事;北京市水产学会常务理事;农业部水生野生动植物国家级自然保护区评审委员会委员;农业部国家水生生物资源养护专家委员会委员;中国海洋大学学报(英文版)编委。




研究性论文(research article):
1  Wenyi Zhang, Hui Jia, Cuijuan Niu*, Xutong Chen, Kenneth B. Storey, 2019 Effect of exogenous hydrogen peroxide on ROS balance and antioxidant response in Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture 501:293-303.
2  Li Wenjie, Lian Binxia, and Niu Cuijuan*,2019 Effects of Temperature on Life History Strategy of the Rotifer Euchlanis dilatata. Zoological Science, 36(1) : 52-57.
3  Bo-Jian Chen, Wen-Yi Zhang, Cui-Juan Niu*, Wen-Jie Li, Hui Jia and Kenneth B. Storey, 2019 Antioxidant response to acute cold exposure and during recovery in juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis). Journal of Experimental Biology, 222. doi:10.1242/jeb.197863.
4  Wenyi Zhang, Cuijuan Niu*, Yukun Liu and Kenneth B. Storey, 2019 Positive or negative? The shell alters the relationship among behavioral defense strategy, energy metabolic levels and antioxidant capacity in freshwater turtles. Frontiers in Zoology,16:3. 6:3 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12983-019-0301-5.
5  Li Wenjie, Niu Cuijuan* and Li xiaoxuan,2019 Offspring of aged mother of rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus shows lower sexual propensity than their elder siblings under crowded conditions. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37(5): 1604-1610
6  Wenyi Zhang, Bojian Chen, Cuijuan Niu*, Yuan Lin, Hui Jia and Kenneth B. Storey, 2019 Response of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle to acute heat stress: insights from the systematic antioxidant defense. Frontiers in physiology, Front. Physiol. 10: doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00710
7  Gao Ying, Xu Huanhuan, Lili, Niu Cuijuan, 2020 Immune defense parameters of wild fish as sensitive biomarkers for ecological risk assessment in shallow sea ecosystems: a case study with wild mullet (Liza haematocheila) in Liaodong Bay. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 194: 110337 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110337.
Giraud-Billoud M., Rivera-Ingraham G., Moreira D., Burmester T. , Castro-Vazquez A., Carvajalino-Fernández J., Dafre A., Niu C. Tremblay N., Paital B., Rosa R., Storey J., Vega A., Zhang W., Yepiz-Plascencia G., Zenteno-Savin T., Storey K., Hermes-Lima M., 2019  Review: Twenty years of the ‘Preparation for Oxidative Stress (POS) theory: ecophysiological advantages and molecular strategies.  Comparative biochemistry and Physiology Part A Molecular and Integrative Physiology 234: 36-49.
1 牛翠娟 娄安如 孙儒泳 李庆芬 2015 基础生态学(第三版)。高等教育出版社。
2 娄安如,牛翠娟主编,2014 基础生态学实验指导(第二版)。 高等教育出版社。
3 孙儒泳,王德华,牛翠娟,刘定震,张力 2019 动物生态学原理(第四版)。北京师范大学出版社。


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