王天明 (1977年4月)
博士 教授
主持了“东北虎豹生物多样性红外相机监测平台(Long-term Tiger-Leopard Observation Network based on camera traps in Northeast China)”建设,已连续监测超过15年,首次揭示了中国境内野生虎豹种群的状态(分布、数量和密度)、跨境扩散、定居以及濒危机制,领导了“东北虎豹国家野外站/东北虎豹国家公园生态大数据云平台”软件系统的研发,研究成果推动和科技支撑了东北虎豹国家公园科学建设。在Biological Conservation、Diversity and Distributions、Communications Biology 等主流期刊发表论文50余篇,研究成果被Science专题报道,入选Springer-Nature 集团2016 年“改变世界的180 篇年度杰出论文”。
■Wang D. W., F. Accatino, J. L. D. Smith, T. M. Wang#. 2022. Contributions of distemper control and habitat expansion to the Amur leopard viability. Communications Biology, 5:1153.
■Sun Y. F., S. Z. Wang, J.W. Feng, J. P. Ge, T. M. Wang#. 2023. Free-ranging livestock changes the acoustic properties of summer soundscapes in a Northeast Asian temperate forest, Biological Conservation, 283:110123.
■Li. S., Z. Y. Hou, J. P. Ge, T.M. Wang#. 2022. Assessing the effects of large herbivores on the three-dimensional structure of temperate forests using terrestrial laser scanning. Forest Ecology and Management, 507:119985.
■Feng R. N., X. Y. Lu, W. H. Xiao, J. W. Feng, Y. F. Sun, Y. Guan, L. M. Feng, J. L. D. Smith, J. P. Ge, T. M. Wang#. 2021. Effects of free-ranging livestock on sympatric herbivores at fine spatiotemporal scales. Landacpe Ecology, 36:1441‒1457.
■Vitkalova A. V., L. M. Feng, A. N. Rybin, B. D. Gerber, D. G. Miquelle, T. M. Wang, H. T. Yang, E. I. Shevtsova, V. V. Aramilev, J. P. Ge. 2018. Transboundary cooperation improves endangered species monitoring and conservation actions: A case study of the global population of Amur leopards. Conservation Letters, 11:e12574. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12574.
■Li ZL, Wang TM*, Smith JLD; Feng RN, Feng LM, Mou P, Ge JP. Coexistence of two sympatric flagship carnivores in the human-dominated forest landscapes of Northeast Asia. Landscape Ecology,2019,34:291-305
■Wang TM, Feng LM, Yang HT, Han BY, Zhao YH, Juan L, Lu XY, Zou L, Li T, Xiao WH, Mou P, Smith JLD, Ge JP. A science-based approach to guide Amur leopard recovery in China. Biological Conservation,2017,210:47-55
■Wang TM, Royle JA, Smith JLD, Zou L, Lu XY, Li T, Yang HT, Li ZL, Feng RN, Bian YJ, Feng LM, Ge JP. Living on the edge: Opportunities for Amur tiger recovery in China. Biological Conservation,2018,217:269-279
■Wang, TM., Feng, L.M., Mou, P., Wu, J.G., Smith, J.L.D., Xiao, W.H., Yang, H.T., Dou, H.L., Zhao, X.D., Cheng, Y.C., Zhou, B., Wu, H.Y., Zhang, L., Tian, Y., Guo, Q.X., Kou, X.J., Han, X.M., Miguelle, D.G., Oliver, C.D., Xu, R.M., Ge, J.P., 2015. Amur tigers and leopards returning to China: direct evidence and a landscape conservation plan. Landscape Ecology, 31:491-503