1967 年 7 月出生,陕西商州人。 1985.9-1989.7 :北京气象学院,天气动力学专业,理学学士; 1989.9-1992.7 :中国科学技术大学,火灾科学专业,工学硕士; 1992.7-1999.12 :东北林业大学任教; 1994.9-1997.7 :东北林业大学,生态学专业,农学博士; 1999.12-2001.12 :中国林业科学研究院, 森林保护专业,博士后; 2000.10-2001.5 :美国马里兰大学,生态学专业,博士后; 2001 年 12 月至今:北京师范大学任教。三十年求学生涯,几经专业转换,终以生态学、尤其是景观生态学为业,深感幸运与快乐。时常能与以前所学专业不期而遇,也有他乡遇故之感。近期,全球变化生态学和宏生态学又重燃我的求学热情。
■Kou X, Li Q, Beierkuhnlein C, Zhao Y, Liu S (2014) A new tool for exploring climate change induced range shifts of conifer species in China. PLoS ONE 9
■Kou X, Li Q, Liu S (2011) Quantifying species' range shifts in relation to climate change: A case study of Abies spp. in China. PLoS ONE 6
■Wang T, Wu J, Kou X, Oliver C, Mou P, et al. (2010) Ecologically asynchronous agricultural practice erodes sustainability of the Loess Plateau of China. Ecological Applications 20: 1126-1135
■Kou X, Ge J, Wang Y, Zhang C (2007) Validation of the weather generator CLIGEN with daily precipitation data from the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology 347: 347-357
■Kou X, Baker WL (2006) A landscape model quantifies error in reconstructing fire history from scars. Landscape Ecology 21: 735-745