■生物统计方法的优化改进:进化、生态、单细胞转录组等方面的生物学数据中存在系统发育关系、空间关系等因素导致的非独立性现象,违背了很多普通统计模型最基本的前提假设,独立同分布。简单使用通用的统计方法会导致参数估计偏倚、误判统计显著性、增加假阳性等问题。针对生物学数据的特殊性,之前国外同行开发的Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts、Phylogenetic Generalized Least Squares和Phylogenetic Eigenvector Regression等系统发育比较方法仍然存在一定的问题,需要进行优化和改进。
Research Article(研究性论文)
1. Liu Z.-L., Hu E.-Z., Niu D.-K. 2023. Investigating the relationship between CRISPR-Cas content and growth rate in bacteria. Microbiol Spectr 11:e03409-03422.
2. Hu EZ, Lan XR, Liu ZL, Gao J, Niu DK. A positive correlation between GC content and growth temperature in prokaryotes. BMC Genomics 2022; 23, 110.
3. Lan XR, Liu ZL, Niu DK. Precipitous increase of bacterial CRISPR-Cas abundance at around 45°C. Front Microbiol 2022; 13: 773114.
4. Ma MY, Xia J, Shu KX, Niu DK. Intron losses and gains in the nematodes. Biol Direct 2022; 17: 13.
5. Zhu T, Niu DK. Frequency of intron loss correlates with processed pseudogene abundance: a novel strategy to test the reverse transcriptase model of intron loss. BMC Biol. 2013; 11: 23.
6. Hou WR, Li M, Niu DK. Counting citations in texts rather than reference lists to improve the accuracy of assessing scientific contribution. BioEssays. 2011; 33: 724-7.
7. Niu DK, Hou WR, Li SW. mRNA-mediated intron losses: evidence from extraordinarily large exons. Mol Biol Evol. 2005; 22: 1475-81.
1. Niu DK, Jiang L. Can ENCODE tell us how much junk DNA we carry in our genome? Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013; 430: 1340-3
2. Niu DK. Protecting exons from deleterious R-loops: a potential advantage of having introns. Biol Direct. 2007; 2: 11.
3. Niu DK, Chen JK. Evolutionary advantages of cell specialization: Save and protect DNA. J Theor Biol. 1997; 187: 39-43.