2006年本科毕业于北京师范大学生命科学学院;2009年硕士毕业于北京师范大学生命科学学院,师从张大勇教授;2015年博士毕业于美国德雷塞尔大学生物系,师从Jacob A. Russell教授;2019年6月至今,任职于北京师范大学生命科学学院。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才项目等。2021年获评北京师范大学仲英青年学者,2023年入选WR青年拔尖人才支持计划。
2009-09至2015-06,美国德雷塞尔大学,环境科学,博士(导师:Jacob A. Russell教授)
2015-09至2019-03,Drexel University,Department of Biology,博士后
2016-01至 2016-03,University of Lausanne,Department of Fundamental Microbiology,访问学者
■ Hu Y*, D’Amelio CL, Béchade B, et al. (2023) Partner fidelity and environmental filtering preserve stage-specific turtle ant gut symbioses for over 40 million years. Ecological Monographs. 93 (1), e1560.
■ Hu Y*#, Sanders JG#, Łukasik P, D’Amelio CL, et al. (2018). Herbivorous turtle ants obtain essential nutrients from a conserved nitrogen-recycling gut microbiome. Nature Communications. 9: 964..
■Hu Y*, Holway DA, Łukasik P, Chau L, Kay AD, LeBrun EG, Miller KA, Sanders JG, Suarez AV, Russell JA. (2017). By their own devices: invasive Argentine ants have shifted diet without clear aid from symbiotic microbes. Molecular Ecology. 26: 1608-1630.
■Hu Y, Liao WJ, Zhang DY, Barrett SC. (2015). Experimental analysis of mating patterns in a clonal plant reveals contrasting modes of self-pollination. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5423-5431.
■Russell JA#, Hu Y#, Chau L, Pauliushchyk M, Anastopoulos I, Anandan S, Waring MS. (2014). Indoor biofilter growth and exposure to airborne chemicals similarly alter bacterial communities from plant roots. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80: 4805-4813.
■Hu Y, Łukasik P, Moreau CS, Russell JA. (2014). Correlates of gut community composition across an ant species (Cephalotes varians) elucidate causes and consequences of symbiotic variability. Molecular Ecology 23: 1284-1300.