2014年获北京师范大学生物科学理学学士学位,2019年获北京师范大学生态学理学博士学位,2019年-2022年在德国亥姆霍兹联合会感染研究中心(HZI)进行博士后进修。2022年至今在北京师范大学生态学研究所工作。以第一作者或共同第一作者在Cell, Molecular Biology & Evolution等国际知名学术期刊发表研究论文多篇。
1. Zhang, B.#; Xu, L#; Li, N#; Yan, P; Jiang, X; Woeste, K.; Lin, K; et al.(2019) Phylogenomics Reveals an Ancient Hybrid Origin of the Persian Walnut, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 36(11): 2451-2461
2. Schulte-Schrepping, J.#; Reusch, N.#; Paclik, D.#; Baßler, K.#; Schlickeiser, S.#; Zhang, B.#; et al. (2020)Severe COVID-19 is marked by a dysregulated myeloid cell compartment, Cell, 182(6): 1419-1440.
3. Zhang, B.#; Zhang, Z.#; Koeken, V.#; Kumar, S.; Aillaud, M.; et al. (2022)Altered and allele-specific open chromatin landscape reveals epigenetic and genetic regulators of innate immunity in COVID-19, Cell Genomics, 100232: online.
4. Zhang, B.#; Moorlag, S.#; Dominguez-Andres, J.; Bulut, O.; Kilic, G.; Liu, Z.; et al.(2022)Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals induction of distinct trained immunity programs in human monocytes, Journal of Clinical Investigation,132(e147719): 1-17.
5. Zhang, B.#; Roesner, L.#; Traidl, S.#; Koeken, V.; Xu, C-J.; Werfel, T.; Li, Y. (2022)Single-cell profiles reveal distinctive immune response in atopic dermatitis in contrast to psoriasis, Allergy, 00: 1-15.
6. Bai, W.#; Yan, P.#; Zhang, B.#; Woeste, K.; Lin, K.; Zhang, D. (2018)Demographically idiosyncratic responses to climate change and rapid Pleistocene diversification of the walnut genus Juglans (Juglandaceae) revealed by whole-genome sequences, NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 217(4): 1726-1736
1. Chu, X.#; Zhang, B.#; Koeken, V.; Gupta, M.; Li, Y.; Multi-omics approaches in immunological research, Frontiers in Immunology, 2021, 12(0): 0-668045